Saturday, March 20, 2021

This is what is coming to the states and the cartels are in 1,500 U.S. cities

[Editors Note –Not for children's eyes. The following is a gruesome depiction as to the dangers and murders happening on both sides of the U.S. and Mexican boarder'. The image is that of five heads decapitated by Mexican Human & Drug Cartels in Mexico.(MHDC)

By Michael Webster Syndicated Investigative Reporter

This is what is coming to the states and the cartels are in 1,500 U.S. cities last I heard! (and that was a while back – could be a lot more than that now!) Hopefully this well get Americans attention.

Mexican Human & Drug Cartels .(MHDC) and related gangland type murders and kidnappings are happening on both sides of the U.S. Mexican border. But know the border patrol pooled away by having to baby set the thousands of illegal aliens which includes hundreds of miners daily, which open up the border to criminal activity, the kids have got to be poperly looked after. Than having to be dealt with is our National Forests and private homes they are being used throughout the U.S. by Cartel operatives trafficking and producing illegal drugs. Many county sheriffs are having to deal with this razing threat alone like Penal County Arizona Sheriff’s office who have had shootouts with the cartels far from the U.S. Mexican border.

Some experts now believe America’s number one threat today is being invaded by dangerous Mexican Drug Cartels (MDC’s) and their gangs! The photo above is of a Mexican bar where the beheaded remains where put out on a stage. There have been more than several beheadings on U.S. soil by Mexican drug cartel members. American citizens have been reported to have been killed and kidnapped in Mexico and in the United States. Some Americans where kidnapped in the U.S. and taken to Mexico where they where killed by these very dangerous MDC enforcers. Most gang killings in America are related to drugs that are directly related to the MDCS, who supply the drugs the U.S. gangs traffic in. American law enforcement fear many more drug killings to be committed in the states as the illegals invade U.S. Border so called “war on drugs” goes forward practically uncontrolled.

The FBI does not keep track of all the murders in the USA that are drug related much less any pertaining to what are believed Mexican Drug Cartel involvement. Within the past several years MDCS reached into the U.S. and killed U.S. Government law enforcement employees, informants, drug dealers and Mexican Nationals, according to authorities.

According to NBC Nightly News in Cochise County, Ariz., which shares an 84-mile-long border with Mexico, Sheriff Larry Dever has lost four friends — three police officers and a rancher — to cartel violence, and insists Mexican traffickers crossing into his county are well-armed and much more aggressive now than they were just a few years ago. “We’re getting overrun from the south, because the federal government can't do its job,” he said.

The long-time sheriff argued that the FBI Uniform Crime Report statistics cited by the White House fail to include many of the crimes committed by traffickers, including kidnapping, extortion, public corruption, drug and human smuggling, and trespassing. “I invite them to come down here, come live with us and go camp out at some rancher’s house and see what happens at night,” he said. When asked if anyone from Washington had ever agreed to do that, Dever said, “Heck no, they come for photo ops.”.

At the Austin headquarters for the Texas Department of Public Safety, former director Steve McCraw, a former FBI supervisor and counter-terrorism specialist, studied a chart on the wall filled with red and green dots indicating where drug and money seizures have been made around the state.
“The border’s not secure, clearly. I think by any indication it’s not secure,” he said. “We’ve identified 25 murders that are cartel-related, we’ve identified 124 kidnappings and extortion's that are cartel-related. We know of 61 instances in which cartel members shot at police officers while they’re on the river trying to interdict trucks.”
McCraw agreed with Dever that federal officials often use incomplete statistics to defend their arguments about border safety. “You can’t cherry pick your statistics,” he said. “We’ve got a duty to be very accurate about what’s going on now and how we see the current threat.”

According to Congressional testimony in 2009 and 2011, the current federal interagency definition of Mexican spillover violence is: “…deliberate, planned attacks by the cartels on U.S. assets, including civilian, military, or law enforcement officials or physical institutions such as government buildings, consulates or businesses. This definition does not include trafficker on trafficker violence, whether perpetrated in Mexico or the U.S.”

Many state officials say trafficker on trafficker violence should not be excluded, because cartel shootouts seen in Texas, Arizona and other states can put civilians in danger and in fear for their lives. “That’s ludicrous,” said McCraw. “Any time there’s a murder, an assassination, or the death squads of ‘sicarios’ come over here and try to do a takeover like that, there’s always consequences in that neighborhood.”
McCraw, Dever and other regional officials argue that all crimes linked to Mexican traffickers should be gathered to assess the true scope of border threats so that law enforcement needs can more accurately be determined.

The refusal by the Federal Government to control the US-Mexico Border has led to the deaths of thousands of people on both sides of the border. Even CNN is now acknowledging that open borders have made most of our major cities dangerous and drug ridden.
It is reported that 1500 American cities are effected by Mexican Drug Cartel violence.
Mexican Drug Cartel In US Cities


NBC Nightly News, DEA,U.S. Border Patrol and Survival Family Emergency Response & Preparedness Guide ad Mexican army officers & the El Paso Journal

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